Succeeding in Digital Advertising’s Post-Cookie World

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After years of promises and preparation, Google has decided not to deprecate third-party cookies. But that hasn’t stopped agencies and advertisers from exploring post-cookie solutions in recent years.

And there’s a good reason why.

Third-party cookies, while seen as a foundational tool in the early years of digital advertising, have increasingly limited success in today’s media landscape. Concerns about consumer privacy, cookieless ad channels and changing media consumption and purchasing habits show cookies are no match for the current and future demands of digital advertising.

So, what does digital advertising of today (and tomorrow) look like?

Woman using a laptop with an abstract illustration around her

In our latest cheat sheet, Programmatic for the People: Succeeding in Digital Advertising’s Post-Cookie World, we explore the evolution occurring in digital advertising and share:

The ways digital advertising has and is evolving beyond third-party cookies

Explore the various dynamics that have and are causing the industry to move beyond third-party cookies.

What cookie-free solutions are available to plan, execute and measure in today’s media landscape

Discover the cookie-free tools available to plan, execute and measure across today’s media landscape.

How Viant can be a partner in helping marketers and agencies succeed in a post-cookie world

Learn about the various engagement models to help marketers and agencies succeed in the fast-evolving world of digital advertising.

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